
Benalla’s premier custom cakemaker launches new venture

New venture: Nicole and Makadde Male from the Cakemaker's Daughter are launching a new business from their Nunn St premises offering custom made cakes. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Many in Benalla will know Nicole Male as the cakemaker element of popular local cafe the Cakemaker’s Daughter.

Since opening the cafe with her daughter Makadde in October 2019 it has gone from strength to strength.

On-top of expanding into the neighbouring shopfront, within its first year, they found there was a lot of customers asking if they could buy a custom cake.

Nicole was already making around 30 cakes per week just to keep up with demand in the cafe.

However her passion for creating and decorating one of a kind cakes for things like birthdays and weddings led to her taking order after order.

“Initially that side of the business grew through word of mouth,” Nicole said.

“Now it has evolved into me stepping to the side of the cafe business and launching a new brand, Vivie Quinn Cake Studio.”

Nicole has always worked in hospitality and her passion for creating amazing cakes came about when her family was young.

After hearing great feedback from her own children, and their friends, she started to make more, and a passion for creating cakes was born.

She said she loves nothing more than seeing the reaction from people when they pick the cake up, not to mention their feedback.

“We had one little girl whose grandma had ordered cupcakes from us for her birthday.

“She came in especially to tell us that ‘they tasted like a party in her mouth’.

“That type of feedback is always lovely to hear.”

Nicole wanted to make it clear that she is still very much involved with the cafe, and Vivie Quinn Cake Studio will operate alongside, in the same premises.

“We offer all types of cakes, from birthday cakes to wedding cakes and everything in between,” she said.

“People can come in and request what they would like, and we’ll make it.

“The idea is to also have a display of cakes available so people who walk past can see what we offer.

“Plus we’ll have decorated cakes here ready to go.”

Nicole said it can take some time to make a bespoke cake, however some people require one that day.

“So we’ll have some nice options for people in that situation,” she said.

“We’ll have a display of those in the cafe.

“If you are planning on ordering a specific cake the more notice you can give the better.

“It’s not only about the time it takes to make the cake, at different times of the year we can get very busy with lots of orders.

“So, for example, we’re officially launching Vivie Quinn Cake Studios in September, but if anyone would like a cake made for September, it would be great if they could put the order in now, or as soon as that can.

“That way we can ensure it is perfect for their celebration.

“Normally we’d need at least a week to 10 days notice.”

Find out more about Vivie Quinn Cake Studio at

Alternatively you can pop into the Cakemaker’s Daughter at 91 Nunn St from 7.30am - 4pm Monday - Friday.