
Benalla’s young bank manager aiming to bring youth voice to council

Nathan Tolliday is the latest candidate to throw his hat in the ring for the 2024 council election. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Still in his early 20s, Benalla’s Nathan Tolliday is already manager of the local Goulburn Murray Credit Union and chair of the Benalla Business Network. And now he is planning a run at council.

With the 2024 local government elections coming up in October, he is the latest candidate to confirm his intention to run.

Nathan said he had heard people in Benalla talk about wanting younger voices on council, so he decided to put his hand up.

“I think it’s important for councils to be representative of the community that they serve,” he said.

“I know that there are people of all ages on council, and I’d hope that if I’m elected that young people will feel that their voices may be listened to more than in the past.”

Nathan also mentioned that young people might be more willing to reach out to a councillor closer to their age, if there was something important to them they’d like discussed by council.

But it’s not just younger community members he would be working for, and he said supporting local businesses would be high on his agenda.

“I’m really big on wanting to see the businesses in the town stay viable,” he said.

“Since the start of July, I’ve been the president of the Benalla Business Network.

“That’s something that I’m really trying to drive as well, making sure that the businesses that are in town are supported and engaged with the community as much as possible.

“Then hopefully from there, that will drive more sales, which could mean other businesses would look at coming to town.”

Nathan said he was also focused on youth services, health services and mental health services.

“I’d also be making sure the good work of the current, and previous, councils continues,” he said.

“The money being spent on the Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre, for example.

“I want to see that it’s spent well, and make sure the project comes to fruition to benefit the whole community.

“I also want to ensure the community’s voice is heard. I think that’s really important.

“I think it’s the people who make a community, and being able to put policy in place to support them, and to run great events for them, is something I would strive for.”

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