
Berrigan delivers on major works

Berrigan Shire Council CEO Karina Ewer (left) and Mayor Matt Hannan opening the revitalised Coree St, Finley. Photo by Contributed

Residents of the Berrigan Shire have welcomed a number of new or improved facilities this year.

Berrigan Shire Council has completed and opened six new community facilities or services since the beginning of this year — all of which were funded, in part, by federal grants.

Future openings are also being planned for nine more grant-funded projects.

These developments represent millions of dollars in investment, much of which is split 50/50 between council and an assortment of state and federal funding bodies.

‘‘It’s a lot of work for a small team,’’ admitted council CEO Karina Ewer.

‘‘Millions of dollars worth of works have either been completed, or are in the process of being completed.’’

Recently completed works include the Barooga walking track, the Barooga Lions Park Shelter, the Tocumwal walking track, the Tocumwal LED lighting project, CWA park Tocumwal, and Finley’s Foundry Park and Apex parks.

Vital infrastructure upgrades have also been made to Coree St (Berrigan), Broockmanns Rd, Lower River Rd, irrigation facilities at the Finley Showground, sewer pipe relining in Tocumwal, LED lighting systems at Barooga, Finley and Berrigan Recreation Reserve and the tarmac at the Tocumwal Aerodrome.

A full list of completed and public works in progress are available at