
Bert’s service honoured

Joanne Dean receives the commemorative medal honouring her father from Jeff Stein.

At the last Berrigan RSL Sub-branch meeting, there was a presentation of a commemorative World War II medal to Joanne Dean.

It was to recognise the service of her father Bert Honeychurch.

There was also a presentation to Phoenix Jeffers of $250, to assist with transport to cadet training.

Phoenix Jeffers received funding to support his cadet training from Jeff Stein of the RSL Sub-branch.


At the recent Lions Club Changeover Dinner, outgoing president Ian Fox presented Neal Gorman with his 50 year chevron.

Neal is a foundation member, congratulations Neal.

Secretary Kurt Bauer presented Inara Fox with an award for membership.

The incoming executive for the next 12 months was sworn in.

They are president Nan Dart, secretary Kurt Bauer, treasurer Bruce Rendell and Dave Collins who is in charge of membership.

Lions Bruce Rendell, Kurt Bauer, Nan Dart and Dave Collins.


Leighton Wilson, the son of Berrigan’s Ann and Max (dec) Wilson, was recently recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours List.

A Sergeant in the 7th Signal Regiment, Leighton was awarded a Conspicuous Service Medal for meritorious conduct as acting Artificer Sergeant Major.

In a social media post celebrating the honour, the 7th Signal Regiment reported that although he felt he was only doing his job and did not expect his nomination, Leighton said it was “good to be recognised” and “quite a proud moment”.


The Berrigan District & Development Association invite all new and returned residents to the area (within the past five years) to attend a Welcome to Berrigan barbecue luncheon.

Locals are also encouraged to attend as hosts for their new neighbours or friends.

The luncheon will be held on Sunday, August 25 from noon at the Berrigan Community Club.

Lunch will be provided and drinks can be purchased at bar prices.

To assist with catering, please RSVP by Friday, August 16 to Jenna Sawasbrick on 5885 2382 or email


After last Sunday’s turn up to social bowls, it will be on again this Sunday.

There will be social bowls for all levels of bowlers. Start time is 12.30pm. All welcome


The Community Garden has a selection of lemons, limes, oranges and pot plants available for a donation.

This Saturday, at 9.30am, the group will be pruning the salvias and other plants around the garden, and then potting up some of the new growth.

If you would like to join them and learn how to do it, go along with your secateurs, hedge trimmers.

You’re invited to stay for a cuppa and cake when finished.