
Biggest Ever Blokes’ Lunch is on the move to MOVE

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Start your engines: The Biggest Ever Blokes' Lunch is heading to MOVE in 2022 Photo by Max Stainkamph

After two years without being able to hold an event, the Biggest Ever Blokes’ Lunch is ready for its biggest lunch ever — literally.

The lunch is on the move to MOVE, the Museum of Vehicle Evolution.

Blokes, beers and cars will come together to raise money to fight prostate and bowel cancer, and lunch chair Shane O’Sullivan is hoping to top the four-figure attendance mark for the first time.

The lunch will be held on Friday, August 26, with more details to be locked in over the next few months.

Moving out the back of MOVE will allow the lunch to squeeze in 100 tables of 10, up from the roughly 70 tables at the old home of Eastbank.

"Every year we get awesome support from everyone wanting to buy a table, and we’re going to try and cap it at 1000 people — we think we can do 100 tables of 10,“ Mr O’Sullivan said.

Rotary will once again do the catering for the event, while attendees will be able to visit MOVE for a few days after the event.

He’s excited to have the night in-person this year after being forced to cancel the 2021 event, but Mr O’Sullivan was thankful to people who kept their money in the kitty.

“We had a pro bono night last year where everyone had paid and left their money in, and they were able to support GV Health for $140,000 despite not having an event — everyone left their sponsorship money in,” he said.

“That was amazing, but it’s very exciting to have it out here this year.”