
Biggest morning tea beats record

They’ve done it again.

Mathoura’s Biggest Morning Tea has excelled on its award winning 2022 total of $6,000 to record earnings of $8,443.05 from its event at the Timbercutter Restaurant at Picnic Point, on Sunday.

Aleisha McIntosh, who combined with husband and wife team, Senior Constable Morgan and Tegan Hadjialexiou are to be congratulated on their continuing success in support of the Cancer Council.

It’s a comfort to the many local sufferers to know there are such diligent people working on their behalf.

The team thanked all the donors who generously supported the event, raffle and those who helped out along the way.


Want to win some money?

Well Mathoura Football Netball Club could help you out with its Big Draw which is currently underway.

Tickets are $100 each and there are several chances for a win before the main draw of $400.

To get your tickets contact any member of the team.

The main draw will be conducted after the club’s final game, perhaps they could invite Swannie to draw the final ticket?


Family and friends of popular local, Wayne ‘Buggsie’ Cowser are wishing him well with his ongoing battle with cancer.

While not much is known about the outcome of recent surgery, family has been advised he got through it.

It is hoped he continues to go onwards and upwards in his fight.

All the best Bugs.


A sound which rang out throughout the town each Sunday and Thursday morning for more than a century is set to return this weekend, albeit with a different tone.

The bell at St Brigid’s Catholic Church will again call the faithful to prayer on Sundays and on other special occasions.

A ceremony to mark the bell’s return will be held around 10.15am on Sunday between the English and Latin Masses.

All welcome.


The community has been shocked and saddened by the sudden passing of local Paul Howard last week.

Paul had a long term connection with the Mathoura Golf Club, both as an avid golfer and committee member.

He was also greatly involved in keeping the grounds in good nick and if he had a buck for every time he and the tractor went round and round, he would have been a rich man.

Sympathy is expended to his wife Cheryl, daughter Rita and his extended family.


Family members and his many friends have also been sorry to learn former long term local and speed shear, Billy Falahey now of Melton in Victoria, has passed away.

Billy is survived by his wife, Mary and his extended family.

Condolences are extended to all.