
Birrell says no additional water should come from Goulburn-Murray region following NSW change

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Member for Nicholls Sam Birrell says no more water should come from the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District. Photo by Evie Feehan

Federal Member for Nicholls Sam Birrell says as long as no further water comes from the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District, he doesn’t have an issue with NSW’s new water legislation.

Last month NSW legislated flood plain harvesting in two Murray-Darling Basin valleys, which irrigators downstream are concerned means they will need to provide more water to make up the shortfall coming down the Darling.

Mr Birrell said NSW was “working out their plan” and it shouldn’t affect irrigators downstream.

“My focus is on ensuring the 450 gigalitres won’t come out of the regions and none of it comes out of the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District,” Mr Birrell said.

“We don’t want to turn it into a Victoria vs NSW standoff.”

He said the rivers were in good health following solid winter rainfall, but said increasing Victoria’s contribution to environmental flow wasn’t on the table.

“It’s not what should happen and not what I’ll be supporting, there can be no more water coming from Nicholls,” he said.

“We need to work with the systems in place,” he said.

Mr Birrell also echoed calls for the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council to meet for the first time since the pandemic.

Just two out of six water ministers from the last meeting are still in their posts following elections and cabinet reshuffles.

“It’s overdue — not sure if it’s been set or when it’s supposed to happen but some of our best water policy has come out of these meetings,” Mr Birrell said.