Book in for holiday roller disco

Fathers of the Coleambally community celebrating Father's Day last Sunday.

After another successful session in Darlington Point in April, Murrumbidgee Council has announced that roller discos will return during the spring school holidays.

The Coleambally sessions will be Tuesday, October 8 from 3pm at the Coleambally Community Club.

Registrations essential on Eventbrite.


All the men of Coleambally are invited to a free coffee and cake at The Muddy Duck & Coffee Nest this Friday between 8am and noon to talk about prostate cancer and support that our local Can Assist can give.

Contact Sue Hardy for further information on 0418 605 202.


A reminder to members and interested persons that Coleambally Garden Club will be holding its annual general meeting on Saturday, September 7 at 1.30 pm.

For more information ring Marilyn on 0419 400 231 as new members are welcome.


The Coleambally Community ‘Yard Giveaway’ is happening again in the grounds of Uniting Church on Kingfisher Ave on Saturday, September 14 from 9am to noon.

The church will be holding a cake stall on the day with cakes and slices for sale, so pop in after voting and let them tempt your taste buds.

Contact Rae Collier on 0419 984 310 for further information.


It was a lovely moment last Sunday for Father’s Day, with a number of community fathers under God's watch captured on camera at the Coleambally Catholic Church.


Please send any information for ‘Coly Chatter’ to by 6pm each Sunday.