
Breakfast bites: Updates from the Rochester Community Breakfast

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Photo by Eamonn Tiernan

Here are some of the key topics discussed at the community breakfast on Thursday, February 16.


Rochester and Elmore Health Service acting chief executive officer Darren Clark used the popular community meeting to announce the hospital was in the process of being fit out with electricity, IT and fire-prevention equipment.

“The builders can’t start until all of the mechanical side of things are sorted out,” Mr Clark said.

“Huts that the builders are in are moving to the front of the hospital as well.”

REDHS is running community-based services, but all bed-based services have stopped.

Urgent care is still being offered by REDHS staff from the Rochester Medical Centre, Allied Health is based out of Elmore and the education centre is running out of the Campaspe Medical Centre.

Rochester Police Station

Still based out of a temporary police station, Rochester police have not been provided any information as to when they may be able to move into a more permanent and suitable space.

The temporary facility has been established at the rear of the Rochester Police Station.

There have been talks of closing the station down, but officers attached to the Rochester Station are fighting tooth and nail to keep it open.

For those attempting to contact the station, the phone lines do not work.

For those visiting, there is not always someone stationed there because the area they service is large.

If you do need to report a crime and cannot reach the Rochester Station, phone Echuca Police on 5483 1500.

Rochester Childcare Centre

Speaking on Thursday morning, Campaspe Shire councillor Paul Jarman said they had originally hoped they would be able to open the centre in February, however, material shortages had delayed progress.

“They are doing the best they can,” Cr Jarman said.

“We are looking at an early March opening, if all goes well.”

Shire Hall

An update regarding when the Shire Hall will re-open is expected to be announced in late February or early March.

CBA building

Campaspe Shire Council staff are expected to move into the CBA building at the end of February once it is deemed safe, giving the Rochester Community House volunteers more space for programming and activities at their temporary location, the 4Rs.

Rochester Service Centre

Campaspe Shire councillor Paul Jarman said the Rochester service centre in Mackay St was “getting there”, however, no dates had been provided as to when the facility would be back up and running.

“We are aware it’s logistically hard for Rochester Community House volunteers working out of the 4Rs at the moment,” Cr Jarman said.

“We do hear you.”

Disaster Relief Australia finishing up

Volunteers from Disaster Relief Australia (DRA) will be packing up and leaving Rochester on Sunday, February 26.

Anyone requiring assistance with any last-minute jobs has been urged to contact DRA as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Flood recovery catch-ups

Campaspe Shire Council has arranged a flood-recovery catch-up service.

The catch-up will give people the chance to ask any questions about the recovery process and will also give them the opportunity to arrange such as a building surveyor.

A council spokesperson said the phone-calls would come through a Melbourne number as council did not have the staff available to make the phone-calls themselves.

There are 1300 names on the list to be contacted and 200 have been spoken to so far.

Fantastic news for electric scooter and chair users

After having performed many safety checks on electric scooters and chairs after the floods, REDHS staff have been able to start delivering them back to those who require them in the community.

Community garden in Rochester

The community garden near the Rochester Court House is ready to be enjoyed.

The gardens miraculously survived the floods and now have many different types of vegetables and herbs that people can pick and take home.

Waste management

Crews will be starting to clean up debris and rubbish left scattered by the floods, but Campaspe Shire councillor Paul Jarman said it was not going to be a “quick fix”.

There will be a crew stationed at the Campaspe River Reserve that will begin cleaning up the River Walk.

Probus Club

Picnic Point visit: Sixty-three Probus Club members are going to head up to Picnic Point in NSW for a belated 25th anniversary celebration — a milestone they reached last year.

The day trip will take place on Thursday, March 30.

The bus is going to pick up members from Rochester and Echuca before heading on towards Picnic Point.

Slowly returning to normal: The Probus Club positively announced 10 more people attended its most recent meeting than the time before, in a move it hopes means people are starting to come back out and socialise after the floods.

Updates from Nanneella

• About 15 houses in Nanneella were flooded last year.

• Nanneella Timmering Heritage Group will be on site at the Great Northern Show, which will be held at Rochester Recreation Reserve on Friday, February 24, and Saturday, February 25.

Calendars still on sale

Rochester Historical Society is still selling $12 calendars for the upcoming year.

The 2023 calendars are available for purchase at Parsons Rochester, Bruce Hocking Motors and the historical society itself.

Rochester Historical Society

Rochester Historical Society will be running a display at the Great Northern Show at Rochester Recreation Reserve on Friday, February 24, and Saturday, February 25.