
Brian turns 21 — long after retirement

Milestone: Brian Vial (front, seated) celebrates his 21st birthday with friends and family on February 29. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Benalla’s Brian Vial recently celebrated his 21st birthday, some 84 years after he was born.

A card-carrying ‘leapling’, Brian was born on February 29, 1940.

The upshot is that he can only celebrate an actual birthday every four years

Brian’s partner, Andrea Stevenson, said he had already celebrated reaching 21 years of age — several decades ago.

Celebration: Barb Vial, Robin Crawford, Evelyn Crawford, Claire Crawford, Leigh Vial and Carolyn Vial, standing behind birthday boy Brian Vial. Photo by Contributed

“Having reached his actual 21st birthday, he enjoyed the occasion with his children, some of his grandchildren, and a lot of his cousins,” she said.

Brian’s son Leigh gave a speech at the celebrations where he pointed out some interesting facts about Brian’s extraordinary life.

  • Brian was walking, indeed running, well before his first birthday.
  • He was part way through primary school by his second birthday, and
  • He was married shortly after his sixth birthday.

Brian’s 21st birthday found him retired from farming and pleased to finally be a grown-up.

Happy 21st from everyone at the Ensign.