
BTC prepares for opening night

Ready to perform: Lana Kleesh, Molly Craig, Jim Tullberg, Melissa Baker and Jamie Boatwood. Photo by Contributed

With just more than a week until opening night, the cast of Benalla Theatre Company’s The Drowsy Chaperone is fine tuning its performances for the BPACC stage.

One of the wonderful things about BTC is there is a mix of new and familiar faces on stage.

Jim Tullberg plays Mr Feldzieg, the stage producer who is panicking over his leading lady getting married and leaving his show.

Along for the ride and waiting for her shot at the big time is Kitty, played by newcomer Melissa Baker.

Melissa makes the long drive from Albury each week to be a part of this production and is a welcome member of the cast with talented dancing skills.

Putting the pressure on Mr Feldzieg to sort out the problem are a pair of gangsters played by Molly Craig and Lana Kleesh.

Molly is stepping back onstage this year as well as directing the show.

Unwittingly helping Feldzieg is Latin lothario, Aldolpho, who is tricked into seducing the bride and end the wedding. This hilarious character is played by Jamie Boatwood.

The Drowsy Chaperone will have seven performances during two weekends from June 16 to 24, with three matinees and four evening shows.

Tickets are available from BPACC. Visit, phone 5762 5515 or buy at the box office.