
Building community connections brick by brick in Corowa

Happy kids proudly show their Lego creations to Intereach facilitator Amber Murphy.

Intereach, with the support of Good360, is fostering a strong connected community through engaging Lego activities in Corowa.

A new initiative that began earlier this year, the two weekly Lego groups cater to both adults aged 17+ and primary school-aged children.

Intereach saw the importance of providing avenues for both children and adults to engage, fostering camaraderie and creativity in a group setting. The donation of Lego from Good360 provided the perfect building blocks for this.

Intereach Community Centre Coordinator Amber Murphy expressed her gratitude to Good360 and Lego, emphasising the transformative impact of their contributions.

"The Lego groups have been a resounding success, encouraging not only creativity but also social connections and even mindfulness among participants,” she said.

“We're excited to highlight the profound impact that Good360's generous donation of a variety of Lego kits has had on children, their families, and adult participants alike.

“Thanks to their support, local children and adults have had the opportunity to unleash their imagination and forge connections within their community.”

Witnessing the enthusiasm and creativity sparked by these colourful bricks has been gratifying, offering participants a fulfilling outlet for exploration and empowerment.

For Lyn, who hasn’t been on the Lego scene since her children were young, the adult Lego group provides a platform for creative expression, learning, and reflection.

"Building with Lego has become my sanctuary, my happy place," she shared.

“Even though we are a small group, it’s nice to have a coffee and a chat, and to come back each week and do a little bit more to your build.”

Lachlan, a member of the children's Lego group, has relished the chance to collaborate and share ideas with other young enthusiasts, according to his grandmother, Leanne.

"Lachlan has thrived in this environment,” she said.

“He is really good at Lego, and I have a lot at home for him, but we’ve brought him along, so he has the chance to interact with other local children, share their ideas and just be creative together.”

Seven-year-old Josh sums up the joy of the Lego group experience succinctly: "Everything! It's fun to build with friends and explore new kits.”

Intereach extends its gratitude to Good360 and Lego for their invaluable support in nurturing community connections and fostering creativity in Corowa. Thank you for helping us making a lasting impact.