
Burt Bacharach show has them dancing in the aisles

Encore: The cast of the Burt Bacharach Songbook on stage at BPACC on Friday evening. Photo by Contributed

More than 140 attendees sang and danced the night away at the Burt Bacharach Songbook concert at BPACC on Friday evening.

The event was arranged by the Friends of BPACC who have arranged a busy schedule of shows up to June 30, when Benalla Rural City’s funding for the site is due to end.

Friends of BPACC chair Danny Claridge said with uncertainty as to what would happen after that date the friends were keen to make the most of the time until then.

“We have the Travelling Wilburys Sessions on April 9, Songs for Bernadette on April 29 and David Hobson in concert on June 18,” Mr Claridge said.

“Friday’s concert had a good crowd. They were all up and dancing and singing along.

Songs for Bernadette is performed by by Bernadette Robinson, who has an incredibly strong singing voice.

“And David Hobson is a great Aussie tenor. His performance will be quite fitting as he performed at the opening of BPACC in 2005.

“Back then he was not as well known, but he is now and is a big favourite of the BPACC audience, having performed three times.”

We are also looking to book a children’s show and a music show before June 30.

Keep an eye out in the pages of The Ensign for details on those.

If you would like to book a ticket for any of the upcoming shows you can do that at the BPACC box office.