
Bushwalkers explore beautiful Beechworth and surrounds

Beautiful surroundings: The Benalla Bushwalking club enjoyed a trek around Beechworth last week. Photo by Contributed

On a perfect winter’s day, not too cold or windy, a group of Benalla Bushwalkers gathered in Beechworth to explore one of its historic areas and attractions.

A club spokesperson said the areas included in the day’s walk were Ingram’s Rock, Fiddes Quarry and the Precipice.

“James Ingram established a newsagency for diggers on the goldfields in the 1860s,” the spokesperson said.

“He also helped to establish the Beechworth Hospital and Primary School.

“During the gold rush era, Fiddes Quarry supplied much of the granite for local buildings.

“The Precipice is a lookout above the former Reids Creek goldfields, once full of canvas tents and noisy diggers.

“We followed the track to One Tree Hill and admired the view, although we couldn’t say which of the many trees was the ‘One’.“

Club members then made a quick visit to the Powder Magazine, built in 1859 to store large amounts of black powder used in mining and quarrying.

After lunch, the group followed the circuit track around Lake Sambell, finishing the day with afternoon tea, lamingtons and a delicious orange cake.