
Buy your time capsule envelopes

As preparations to unearth one local time capsule continue, the community is being asked to gather the next cache of local memories for burial.

The Rotary Club of Deniliquin will next year unearth a time capsule that was buried in the Deniliquin Island Sanctuary on Australia Day in 2000.

For that time capsule, locals were provided the opportunity to include items of personal and public history.

Once unearthed on Australia Day 2025, another will be buried in its place.

The community is again invited to help fill it with memories.

The Rotary Club of Deniliquin is selling time capsule envelopes, which are available in an array of sizes.

Rotarians will be selling these envelopes in the Deniliquin CBD tomorrow, between 9am and noon at the Lions Cressy St Kiosk. EFTPOS will be available.

Envelopes can also be purchased from My Shop, Edge FM and the Deniliquin Pastoral Times office. Purchases at these locations are cash only.