
Call to support aged to keep pets at home

An animal welfare group is calling on people to get behind its campaign to get better support for elderly pet owners in in-home care. Photo by Monkey Business Images

Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world, enjoying the many physical and mental health benefits.

Yet there is an absence of government support for elderly pet owners in in-home care, resulting in their much-loved animals being surrendered to shelters across the country, according to national animal welfare charity Companion Animal Network Australia.

“Only nine per cent of in-home care providers offer a pet-friendly service,” Australia CAN chief executive officer Trish Ennis said.

Australia’s in-home aged care system is under Federal Government review, and Australia CAN is asking the public and stakeholders to complete a survey to highlight the importance of preserving the bond between people and their pets by keeping them together for as long as it provides the best health outcome for the animal and their owner.

“Many studies show caring for a pet can help to ease loneliness, relieve stress, anxiety and depression and provide unconditional love,” Ms Ennis said.

“Sadly, many elderly pet owners who depend on in-home assisted living and the daily companionship of their animals, lack the government support they desperately need.”

She said a Federal Government Service List Advisory Body would be considering pet care assistance/pet support as part of the new federally funded In-Home Aged Care program due to come into effect in July 2024.

“Our aim is to support the elderly and their pets by talking to government about including pet support options in the home care packages to prevent animals from being euthanised or surrendered to shelters and maximise the physical and emotional health of our pet-loving elderly,” Ms Ennis said.

“Please help to make pet care assistance/pet support possible by completing the quick survey on in-home pet support and share the survey widely with your pet-related networks and encourage them to help, too.”

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