
Campaspe Shire Council meeting round-up

Order of business: Campaspe Shire Council conducted its latest meeting on Tuesday, February 21. Photo by Steve Huntley

Campaspe Shire Council conducted its latest meeting on Tuesday, February 21.

Road closure, Crown Allotment 2047

Campaspe Shire Council has consented to the closure of Crown Allotment 2047, an unused portion of unmaintained road within the Parish of Echuca North.

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, formerly DELWP, has been working with property owners over the closure of this unused section of road known as Ellicet Rd.

This section of road lies between Anderson Rd and the Campaspe River, and council has consented to the closure under Section 349 of the Land Act 1958.

Community equipment grant for Kyabram Bocce Club

Kyabram Italian Social Bocce Club has been awarded $2000 to purchase 12 sets of Raffa Bocce Balls for its ‘Come and Try’ days.

The grant was awarded under the Community Equipment Grants Program, which is designed to provide assistance to community groups and sporting clubs to purchase equipment to support their programs and activities.

Event sponsorships for three community events

Three community organisations have received financial support for their events under Campaspe Shire Council’s Community Events Sponsorship.

Rochester Agricultural and Pastoral Association was allocated $1000 and additional support to the value of $850 to assist with hosting the 2023 Rochester Show to be held on February 24 and 25.

Rushworth Easter Heritage Festival has received $5000 and additional support to the value of $4800 towards hosting the 2023 Rushworth Easter Heritage Festival on April 8.

Kyabram Swimming Club received support to the value of $870 for the hire of Kyabram Swimming Pool for the Kyabram Encouragement Meet held on February 4.

Eric gets support for netball championships

Stanhope’s Eric Billing was granted $200 to assist with costs associated with representing Victoria in the 17 and Under Victorian Men’s Netball team. Eric has been selected in the team to compete in the Australian Men’s and Mixed Netball Association Championships in Perth from April 7 to 16.

Eric’s representation will not only showcase his skill but will also encourage other young males from rural areas to play the sport.

Progress in year two of Council Plan

Campaspe Shire Council has noted the progress towards the delivery of actions in year two of the 2021-2025 Council Plan.

There are 87 actions funded under the 22/23 budget and listed as year two actions, to support the delivery of the vision ‘Our places are vibrant and sustainable, our people are strong and supportive’.

Of the actions, 14 have been completed, 66 are in progress and seven are not yet started.

The plan can be viewed on council’s website.

Council awards contracts for emergency road works

Campaspe Shire Council has established a panel of contractors to complete emergency flood recovery road works across the shire.

Council received permission from the Victorian Government to commence flood emergency works for essential public assets under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Following a thorough assessment of the road network, council started emergency remedial works to the road network as soon as the waters receded, with the aim of opening as many roads as quickly as possible.

With the panel of contractors now in place, the remaining emergency road works across the shire will be able to be completed.