Celebrate Oz Day in Berrigan

Berrigan Shire Mayor Matt Hannan during last year's Australia Day celebrations in Finley.

It is Berrigan’s turn to host the Berrigan Shire Australia Day ceremony and celebrations this year, and an inclusive day of reflection, respect and celebrating is planned.

The morning kicks off with the Berrigan CWA breakfast from 7.30am in the CWA Hall in Chanter Street, Berrigan.

The action will then move to Apex Park in Cobram St, Berrigan at the close of the breakfast, at 9.30am.

The program will include Acknowledgement of Country followed by an introduction and opening remarks from Councillor Roger Reynoldson, who will act as master of ceremonies.

Mayor Matt Hannan’s official welcome will be followed by a citizenship ceremony.

This will including the National Anthem and flag raising by Berrigan Public’s 2023 school captains.

The guest speaker will be Kelvin Baxter, and then the Berrigan Shire Australia Day Awards will be awarded in the following categories:

• 2023 Community Event of the Year.

• 2023 Community Organisation of the Year.

• 2023 Sportsperson / Sports Team of the Year.

• 2023 Young Citizen of the Year.

• 2023 Citizen of the Year.