
CEO backs council’s environment strategy

Climate chaos: A beach in the Galapagos Islands showing how currents make the formerly pristine beaches a dumping ground for the world’s rubbish.

A holiday to the Galapagos Islands has underpinned interim Campaspe shire chief executive officer Tim Tamlin’s attempt to reduce the environmental footprint he leaves on the world.

Mr Tamlin, who attended to support council at their meeting last week, where the shire’s new environmental strategy was approved, said he had seen first hand the impact a lack of environmental controls could have on the world.

Kyabram Deakin Ward Councillor John Zobec and Waranga Ward Councillor Adrian Weston were involved in debate about environmental issues at the meeting.

Cr Zobec was concerned with the strong wording of the document, which used terminology such as "uninsurable’’, in relation to properties in the Nicholls Federal electorate due to predictions of increased rainfall and potential flooding.

Mr Tamlin and his wife witnessed the Humboldt Current, one of the world’s largest water currents, which runs north from Antarctica and along the western coast of South America.

“I had the most wonderful opportunity when we visited the Galapagos islands, there is a part where the ocean currents merge,” he said.

“It was like a tip, it is disgusting. You cant tell me that plastic is good for the sea life,” he said.

Mr Tamlin said he agreed that if nothing was done in regard to the environment than there would be dire consequences.

"I have my own personal views and they stay in my home, but when I am at home I do as much as I can to reduce my footprint,“ he said.

“I have solar panels, I have batteries, I have rain water tanks and I don’t use town water supply.

“We recycle as much as we can, all the green waste goes to the chooks and we have a lot of fruit trees.”

Mr Tamlin said he was starting to see a change in the community’s attitude to how it treated the environment, and understood how its actions impacted on the world’s future.

“The Campaspe environment strategy is trying to stay in step with society and its thoughts in the environment.

“I applaud council for setting a target of, as a shire, developing a Corporate Emissions Reduction Plan with the aim of reaching net-zero emissions by 2035.

“ They now have a target to work toward,’’ he said.