
CEO of Njernda resigns

Resignation: Tracey Dillon is leaving the Njernda Aborigional Corporation Board after just over 12 months in the role.

After just over 12 months in the role, Tracy Dillon has resigned as the chief executive officer of the Njernda Aboriginal Corporation Board.

In a public statement, the board thanked Ms Dillon for her time in the role and acknowledged that she was appointed during the difficult time of the organisation's release from a period of special administration.

“There has been significant progress under Tracey’s leadership in stabilising the organisation post-administration, which will support the long-term viability and sustainability of our organisation,” Njernda chairperson Belinda Day said.

Ms Dillon said she was proud of the progress and achievements made during her time with Njernda.

“It’s been a process of future-proofing the organisation and allowing it the opportunity for it to emerge as a more focused and resilient organisation,” Ms Dillon said.

“My first priority when I started was to engage with community members and then my attention was turned to strengthening Njernda’s operating model,” she said.

During her time as CEO, Ms Dillon continued work on the Baroona Redevelopment, developed the Baroona Youth Day Program, as well as working with the government and community to develop a master plan for Njernda’s capital infrastructure.

Prior to her time at Njernda, Ms Dillon was chief executive officer of South East Tasmania Aboriginal Corporation and was selected to be the Echuca-based CEO from a candidate field of more than 30.

Njernda operates a medical centre and other health-related services for Indigenous and non-Indigenous patients.

Njernda’s services also extend to family support and family violence programs, placement support for out-of-home care, foster care and child safety.

Ms Dillon’s last day will be on August 18.

The board has said it will begin search for a new CEO immediately with the expectation that it could take a few months to find the right candidate.

It assures people that in the interim, there will be an acting CEO appointed to ensure that business can continue as usual.