
Changing of the Gladstone guard

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Handover: Outgoing publicans Val and Bryan Florence with incoming owner Theresa Groves. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

The keys to Dookie’s beloved Gladstone Hotel have changed hands.

Former owners Val and Bryan Florence piloted the business through the toughest two years hospitality has seen in living memory, and they can’t thank the Dookie community enough for embracing them.

“It’s been hard with COVID, but at least it allowed us to renovate, clean it up, replace nearly everything and plant a big garden,” Mrs Florence said.

“It’s been a great journey and the community here is just amazing.”

Theresa Groves will step up from her role as chef’s assistant to take over the running of the Gladstone.

“I decided to buy the Gladstone because Val and Bryan put it to us and it feels like a new chapter. It was perfect timing for all involved,” Ms Groves said.

“I’ve been working here two and a half years and living in Dookie for three and a half. I come from nearby — we have a farm in Yabba North.”

Ms Groves plans to keep the pub as the Florences left it.

The Florences plan to leave town on July 26 and begin a seven-month caravan adventure across southern Australia.

The couple said they were proud to have run the Gladstone, which is known for its good food, atmosphere and country hospitality.

“All I can say is thank you to this amazing community. Not just Dookie, but the people we get from Shepparton, Yarrawonga, Benalla — the pub draws from a large area,” Mr Florence said.

As for the new owner, Ms Groves will have her work cut out keeping up with the busy Friday, Saturday and Sunday crowd and running the popular Sunday sesh (bookings required if you want a table).