
Changing of the guard at CCLLEN

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Changing times: CCLLEN project support officer Nikki Harris and outgoing L2P Learner Driver Mentor Program coordinator Graeme Hodgens. Photo by Contributed

Campaspe Cohuna Local Learning and Employment Network has announced a change of guard for the TAC L2P Learner Driver Mentor Program.

Over the last 18 months, the L2P program coordinator has been Graeme Hodgens, a former primary school principal who retired from teaching in 2022.

At the time, Mr Hodgens was not quite ready to entirely bid farewell to the workforce, taking on the role.

Mr Hodgens demonstrated remarkable dedication and support as coordinator for the program.

He has consistently gone above and beyond, dedicating extra time to field phone calls from his team of committed Mentor Drivers and meeting with young individuals and their families outside of regular hours to ensure comprehensive support throughout the application process.

“I came into this role believing I would be helping learner drivers to achieve the 120 hours needed to gain their P plates,” Mr Hodgens said.

“But it is so much more.

“A team of dedicated volunteer mentor drivers provides much more than gaining driving hours.

“They build a relationship that in so many cases develop into a life mentor and friend, as much as a driving ‘coach’.”

It is now time for Mr Hodgens to retire again, handing the coordinator role to Nikki Harris.

However, Mr Hodgens is staying at CCLLEN and will remain a volunteer driving mentor.

Nikki Harris brings over two years of valuable experience as a project support officer within CCLLEN, during which she has actively participated in both the L2P and Campaspe Youth Partnership programs.

“I am thrilled to accept this opportunity and am eager to contribute to the continued success and growth of the L2P and Campaspe Youth Partnerships programs,” Mrs Harris said.

“These programs offer young people support, guidance and mentorship, which play a crucial role in their development.

“Graeme’s shoes will be big to fill, but I am really looking forward to this wonderful and rewarding new role.”

Mrs Harris eagerly anticipates the opportunity to embrace the rewards and challenges inherent in leading the L2P program, with enthusiasm and dedication to undoubtedly contributing to the program’s continued success.

If you want to become a volunteer driving coach or know a young person who would benefit from the TAC L2P Learner Driver Mentor Program, contact Campaspe Cohuna Local Learning and Employment Network on 5482 6055.