Christmas lunch saved

Back on: The Christmas for Those Alone luncheon has been saved by the generosity of new committee members.

The Christmas for Those Alone committee members held an open meeting on Wednesday night to discuss saving their annual Christmas luncheon, and we are happy to report that Christmas lunch will be going ahead.

Christmas for Those Alone president David Hession said it was great to see so many people attend and show enthusiasm and passion towards getting the event back up and running.

“Around 20 people turned up, and we have now filled some important roles within the committee,” Mr Hession said.

“We now have a newly appointed treasurer, kitchen coordinator, kitchen assistant, activities and media coordinators and another four people helping on the committee.

“It’s wonderful to see people put their hands up and help save this incredible event for our community.”

Mr Hession said the meeting covered more than just how the event ran on the day and involved a thorough explanation of how the committee works and what is behind making an event on such a large scale come together.

“It was essential that everyone understood how much time is needed to bring the whole event together,” he said.

“We now have some experienced people on the committee and hope it will just get bigger and bigger.

“Big shout out to all the people who came forward, Megan Howard from the City of Greater Shepparton and all the businesses who have reached out to help.

“Traditional cold meat and salads with a yummy dessert for those in need or alone on Christmas is back on.”

Committee members are calling on anyone who would like to help with volunteering at the luncheon to please call 0456 125 237.

This year’s event on Christmas Day will be held at the McIntosh Centre at the Shepparton Showgrounds between 11am and 2pm.

“Everyone is welcome,” Mr Hession said.

“Just make sure you give us a call to book.”