
Cleeland calls on locals to have their say on infrastructure future

Have a say: State Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland is calling on residents to be part of Victoria’s infrastructure future. Photo by Contributed

State Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland is encouraging regional Victorians to join in public consultation on Victoria’s 30-year infrastructure strategy.

Infrastructure Victoria is an independent body which advises the state government and its new strategy will find infrastructure needs across the state from 2025 to 2055.

Ms Cleeland said it was important regional people, particularly young people, did not get left behind.

“Our roads, hospitals, public transport, housing and community facilities have failed to keep pace with demand, resulting in social inequity in our country areas,” she said.

“The pandemic has exacerbated the need for improved infrastructure in regional Victoria after many people made the decision to move from Melbourne into the regions.

“The ongoing economic uncertainly and rising cost of living in Victoria, combined with benefits of space, lower house prices and a higher quality of life, has all placed pressure on regional infrastructure.”

Infrastructure Victoria’s consultation process remains open until May 28. Feedback can be completed online at