
Cobram Barooga Bushwalking Club a great way to socialise and stay healthy

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Healthy and fun: The Cobram Barooga Bushwalking Club is an ideal avenue to enjoy exercise and the great outdoors. Photo by Contributed

Are you looking for a way to stay healthy and socialise?

If the answer is yes, then the Cobram Barooga Bushwalking Club is for you.

The club was formed about 50 years ago and is made up of like-minded people of various ages joining together to take in nature and socialise.

President Chris Crawford said the club met on the fourth Sunday of every month, as well as enjoying weekend trips.

“Twice a year we have a weekend away,” Ms Crawford said.

“Last time we went to Mount Beauty. This year at the end of October we plan to go to Heathcote for the weekend.”

The annual fee for the Cobram Barooga Bushwalking Club is $30 and there is no obligation for members to attend every walking event.

Members meet at the Cobram post office and then carpool to a pre-arranged destination.

The walks are all within a two-hour radius of Cobram-Barooga.

According to Ms Crawford, club members come from all around the region.

“We have members from Yarrawonga and Tocumwal,” she said.

Walks are typically 8km to 10km in length and are held on flat surfaces to ensure as many people as possible can take part.

“We carry our own backpacks and have our own lunch, though sometimes we go somewhere for lunch,” Ms Crawford said.

Ms Crawford said walking kept people healthy in body and mind.

“It keeps you healthy, keeps you fit. You get out and meet like-minded people out in the fresh air,” she said.

Ms Crawford encouraged anyone thinking about joining to give the club a go.

“Come along and try it,” she said.

“Since starting the Facebook page this year we have had a lot of new people come —and they have loved it.”