
Cobram Community House puts on biggest morning tea

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Good cause: Cobram Community House will be taking part in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for cancer research. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Cobram Community House is taking part in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.

It is hosting a morning tea on Thursday, May 25 at 10.30am.

The annual event is held by the Cancer Council and aims to raise awareness and funds for victims of cancer.

CCH chief executive Christine Osborne said putting on the morning tea was all part of the house’s mission to help build a stronger Cobram and surrounds.

“One of our goals at Cobram Community House is to engage with the community, and we believe that combining food and friendship to raise funds for a worthy cause will encourage people to attend,” she said.

“It is great that we can get together to raise some money knowing that every cuppa and piece of cake will make a difference to those affected by cancer.”

Along with the tea and other traditional fare, CCH will be holding a raffle, with tickets available for purchase on the day or prior.

Mrs Osborne encourages anyone interested to drop in and take part.

“I encourage people in our community to come along and support this event — we value and appreciate your support and hope you will join us to raise important funds for the Australian Cancer Council,” she said.

According to the Cancer Council, one in every two Australians will suffer from cancer at some point in their lives, with about 150,000 Australians diagnosed each year.

In 2022 there were 20,497 morning teas hosted across Australia, which raised more than $11.2 million for people impacted by cancer.

The money is used to fund research, provide support to cancer sufferers and their families and raise awareness of risk factors associated with cancer.

Entry to the CCH morning tea is by gold coin donation and attendees are asked to RSVP by calling 5872 2224 to ensure proper catering.