
Cobram dancing group to teach young and old how to dance like the stars

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Let’s dance: Cobram Social Sequence Dancing group founder Gail Cook says dancing is for everyone. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Ever fancied mastering the art of gliding gracefully across the dance floor?

If the answer is yes, the Cobram Social Sequence Dancing group is for you.

Group founder Gail Cook offers lessons to dancers of all ages, with a variety of dances, including the foxtrot, waltz and the lively quickstep.

Ms Cook just recently founded the dance group shortly after Easter.

“I run classes at Glenrowan and Shepparton, which started a couple of years ago,” she said.

“And a few people approached me and said that there’s nothing here in Cobram."

Ms Cook started dancing about eight years ago and found she had a knack for it and the ability to teach it to others.

She originally started rock 'n' roll dancing, but said she changed to sequence dancing, as rock 'n' roll was becoming too demanding on the body.

According to Ms Cook, sequence dancing has plenty of benefits.

"It’s good for everything, the mind, the body, and for socialising," she said.

Ms Cook’s favourite dance is the waltz, which she said was a slow experience where the participant could take their time. She described the dance itself as an elegant one to watch.

Ms Cook is keen to see more young people embrace dancing and join the group, stressing that no partner or experience is needed.

The group’s founder said dancing not only allows participants to stay physically fit and socialise but could lead to new opportunities.

“If young people start off at this level and then they choose when they get into their 20s and 30s to go into competitive dancing, this is the door into competition,” she said.

“We can always show or guide them to the right places."

The group meets every Thursday from 1.30pm to 4.30pm at St Margaret’s Hall in Cobram. The cost is $10 per person, which includes tea and snacks.

Ms Cook encourages those interested not to hesitate and just give it a go.

“Where else can you go for $10 and have three hours of fun, meet people and get fed as well?" she said.