
Cobram & District Specialist School celebrate students at award ceremony

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Student of the year: Noah Ferguson, who just finished at the Cobram and District Specialist School is the VPC Student of the Year for 2023. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Cobram & District Specialist School celebrated a small but intimate awards ceremony on Friday, December 8.

Students, staff as well as family and friends packed The Josephinum auditorium at St Joseph’s Primary School Cobram for the ceremony which was also attended by Cobram Rotary and Cobram Lions.

For one of the award recipients, VPC Student of the Year 2023 Noah Ferguson, it was his final hurrah before leaving school to take up a Certificate II in Automotive work.

Noah admitted that it felt weird that school was finally over and he was grateful to the staff at Cobram & District Specialist School for all their hard work.

“Thank you for helping me through the years, its been a pleasure,“ he said.

Cobram & District Specialist School Awards ceremony 2023: Montana Blandford Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Cobram & District Specialist School Awards ceremony 2023: Jayden Dawson Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Murray Room winner: Jordan Fisher won the Murray Room Student of the Year Award for 2023 and was noted for bringing atmosphere to his class through his love for music and dance. Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Gwynne Room winner: Jayden Dawson was the winner of the Gwynne Room Student of the Year award and was noted for his eagerness to take on any task. Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Moira Room winner: Montana Blandford won the Moira Room Student of the Year Award. It was noted that Montana fully displayed the school’s values and had a bright and bubbly nature. Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Special moment: Family, friends and representatives of local groups all joined the staff and students on their special day. Photo by Gabriel Garcia