
Cobram donates big for CFA’s Good Friday Appeal

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Worthy cause: Cobram’s CFA brigade members out on the causeway for the Good Friday Appeal 2024.

The Cobram-Barooga causeway was alive on Good Friday with the sound of tins rattling.

No, it wasn’t due to a musical performance being held, but rather the Cobram CFA brigade who were out in force, raising money for the Good Friday Appeal.

Along with the causeway, brigade members visited local camping grounds along the Murray River while the Cobram CFA station was open from 8am for anyone wishing to make a donation.

And donate the public did, with the Cobram brigade bringing in $10,772 in donations for the appeal.

Speaking after the event Cobram CFA brigade captain Matt Dehne said he was incredibly happy with the way the appeal went.

“It went fantastic,” he said.

“We had a great day, we had the crews on the bridge and we sent crews to visit the campers along the river.”

Mr Dehne said the Cobram brigade members were proud of being part of the Good Friday Appeal and thanked those who donated.

“It's great for us, we love doing it and it's part of our community service to raise money for a great cause,” he said.

In total, the Cobram-Barooga area raised $28,530 for the Good Friday Appeal with $5,261,913 coming from regional Victoria and southern NSW.

The 2024 Good Friday Appeal as a whole raised a total of $23,368,724 with funds not only going to the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne but also to regional hospitals including those in Barwon, Ballarat, Bendigo, Shepparton, Albury-Wodonga and Latrobe.