
Cobram Lions Club on the hunt for former members

Cobram Lions president Janet Austin (centre) is putting the call out to all former members ahead of the 60th anniversary of the group’s charter in September. Photo by Contributed

The Cobram Lions Club is putting the call out to former members ahead of a major milestone in the group’s history.

Cobram Lions Club president Janet Austin said the group was wanting to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the charter with as many of its former members as possible.

“Lions has been working and operating in Cobram for 60 years,” she said.

“There’s been a lot of Lions over the years, but it is a major milestone for the town to have 60 years of continuous support.”

To mark the 60th anniversary of the charter on September 14, the club is looking to host an invite-only lunch for anyone who has been involved in the club over the previous six decades.

But while the club has a list of names of current and former members it wishes to invite, getting in contact with everyone has proven difficult, so it is urging any former members to contact the club to ensure they are included on the day.

Any former members, or anyone who knows a former member, is urged to contact the Cobram Lions Club on 0459 340 109, or speak to a current member at any of the club’s upcoming events.