
Cobram Nocturnal CWA group looking for new members

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Togetherness: The Country Women’s Association Cobram branch getting together. Photo by Lachlan Durling

The Cobram Nocturnal Country Women’s Association is looking for new members to fill its ranks and help out the community.

The CWA is a national organisation which provides outreach and community support at local and state level.

Cobram Nocturnal CWA president Helen Christie has been part of the organisation for 57 years.

For her, making friends and assisting others has been the best part.

“I have made friends all around the state and interstate too,” she said.

The Cobram Nocturnal CWA branch gathers together on the first Monday of every month at 7pm.

This differs from other CWA branches which gather during the day and is the reason they are known as Cobram Nocturnal CWA.

Currently, Cobram Nocturnal CWA has continued to provide relief to flood-affected communities through the donation of much-needed goods as well as the offer of financial assistance.

This assistance is part of the greater CWA tradition of taking part in community outreach programs or otherwise helping communities during social events or in times of need.

The group is represented at all major commemorations including Remembrance Day and Anzac Day and on March 18 the group will be putting a luncheon to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Ms Christie said the group has a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

“We offer friendship and support to one another. You form lovely friendships with group members,” she said.

For those wishing to become part of the Cobram Nocturnal CWA, Ms Christie said membership provided great opportunities for personal growth.

“It’s a great organisation for personal development, public speaking and working with community members.”

Ms Christie said the group helped all in need. She said and you don’t need to be a member to reach out for assistance.

Those interested in joining can contact Ms Christie on 0409 196 439