
Cobram Secondary College student leaders to travel to Sydney

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Cobram Secondary College students will undertake leadership training. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Cobram Secondary College new student leaders for 2023 have been inaugurated and are now set for the trip of a lifetime to Sydney.

While there they will learn leadership skills and how to conduct themselves when representing the school.

The student leadership team comprises college, house and band leaders and will spend five days in Sydney from Monday, December 5 to Friday, December 9.

They are currently undertaking a leadership course which includes learning to work together as a team, planning events, public speaking and media training.

The trip to Sydney is designed to help cement these skills.

Highlights of the trip will include visiting the Channel 7 Sunrise studio as well as climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Students will be able to meet the Sunrise hosts and learn about the background work that goes into making the the show happen.

Male college captain Daniel Campbell is looking forward to the trip and the time to bond with fellow student leaders.

Leadership team- college captains Daniel Campbell and Caitlyn Knight converse with college principal Kimberley Tempest. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

“Really getting to know each other, our strengths, our areas to improve is what I'm looking forward to” Daniel said.

Daniel is a regular Channel 7 viewer and his favourite show is My Kitchen Rules.

Female college captain Caitlyn Knight agreed with Daniel and said that the time in Sydney will be a chance for her and her fellow leaders to learn from each other.

“We haven't had that time to converse and become a team but hopefully Sydney will just finish off what we started“ Caitlyn said.

Principal Kimberley Tempest said that the genesis behind the trip was a recognition that with proper training student leaders could be more than just figureheads.

New team - House captains Zoe O'Toole, Abbie Redman, Matilda Hooper and Michael Franklin. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

“We had some amazing young people as our college leaders and some were just naturally good at everything, but some needed a whole lot more training... so over the past three years, I've started leadership induction” Ms Tempest said.

She is hoping that the Sydney trip will push the students outside their comfort zone.

Learning from each other - Band leaders Amelia Shead and Nikita Carroll working together to make Cobram Secondary College a better place. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

“It's really about physically emotionally getting outside of our comfort zones and having a go. We don't learn when things are easy. We learn when they're hard”, Mrs Tempest said.

Meet the Cobram Secondary College Student Leadership team

College Captain: Caitlyn Knight. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Caitlyn Knight - College captain

Caitlyn Knight wanted to be college captain after seeing a family friend take on the role. She has had issue with confidence in the past and believes that her new role will help her grow her confidence. One of Caitlyn’s goals is to help give students the same opportunity that she has had.

College Captain: Daniel Campbell. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Daniel Campbell - College captain

Daniel Campbell wanted to take the role of College Captain as he has never taken on any leadership responsibilities in the past and felt the role would let him jump out of his comfort zone.

College vice captain and Rose house captain: Zoe O'Toole. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Zoe O’Toole - College vice captain and Jordan house captain

Taking on a dual role seemed like the natural thing to do for Zoe O’Toole who is hoping that her new roles will allow her to help students who are too shy to speak to teachers. Zoe confessed that she was an incredibly shy person and hopes that becoming a leader she will grow in confidence, especially with dealing with public speaking.

College Vice Captain and Shadforth house captain: Michael Franklin. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Michael Franklin - College vice captain and Shadforth house captain

Happy to get either role Michael Franklin landed himself dual roles in the student leadership team. Acknowledging his lack of public speaking experience Michael is hoping that his roles will help him grow in confidence and skill when it comes to addressing people. He finds himself happiest when helping other people.

Rose house captain: Matilda Hooper. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Matilda Hooper - Rose house captain

Following in the footsteps of her oldest sister, Matilda Hooper recalled stories of her sister’s time as Rose House captain. She is looking forward to the chance of making a positive change to the school and believes that her time as house captain will allow to her grow as a person and as a leader.

Goodman House Captain - Abbie Redman. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Abbie Redman - Goodman House Captain

Abbie Redman wanted to become a house captain to show people that being a part of a leadership group is a good thing and getting out of one’s comfort zone isn’t something to be afraid of. She is looking forward to helping students voices be heard. Abbie has a love for horses.

Band leader: Nikita Carroll. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Nikita Carroll - Band leader

Nikita Carroll is a skilled percussionist and wanted to become band leader as it would be a great opportunity to become a large part of the school community, as well as be able to have an impact and a say in how the band and greater college was run. She is eyeing up a trade or joining the police after school.

Band leader: Amelia Shead. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Amelia Shead - Band leader

Amelia Shead has been part of the Cobram Secondary College band since year seven and recently joined the jazz and vocal ensemble. As well as singing Amelia is accomplished flute and piano player and she is planning to do a double degree with Bachelor of Music and Arts. Her favourite singer is Mitski.