
Cobram Secondary College student wins prestigious scholarship

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Scholarship winner: CSC student Grace Bramwell received the award from Harding Miller Foundation executive director Cara Varian. Photo by Contributed

Cobram Secondary College Year 9 student Grace Bramwell has won the Harding Miller Education Foundation Scholarship worth up to $20,000.

She was presented with the award at the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne on Monday, May 8.

The scholarship recognises young female students who have exhibited a passion for their studies.

More than 700 Year 9 students applied for the scholarship.

The scholarship helps ensure the students succeed by assisting them with buying educational equipment, including textbooks and computers, as well as helping provide tutoring and coaching.

Grace said the scholarship would help her realise her dream of studying zoology or working as a vet.

“I have wanted to work with animals since I was four years old watching Bondi Vet with my family. I love the challenge of working with so many animals and the challenge of trying to look after them all,” Grace said.

“The Harding Miller scholarship will help me to improve myself academically.”

CSC high-abilities co-ordinator and science teacher George Allen has taught Grace in maths and science and could not be prouder.

“It’s incredible. It’s thoroughly deserved and she has absolutely deserved her scholarship through her hard work and dedication,” he said.

“It’s absolutely incredible to see a student reaping the reward for their hard work and see the sense of satisfaction in their work. It’s really heart-warming.”

CSC principal Kimberley Tempest said she and her staff were absolutely thrilled for Grace.

“Through this scholarship Grace is going to have so many doors open to her,” she said.

Harding Miller Foundation executive director Cara Varian praised all the applicants for their hard work and dedication.

“Our scholarship recipients have high academic potential. They are talented and dedicated,” she said.

“We want to support these high-potential young women.”

The Courier congratulates Grace on her amazing achievement.