
Cobram’s Elliot Evans earns Junior Triple Zero Hero award

Junior Triple Zero Hero Elliot Evans with Triple Zero Victoria call-taker Amber Veal. Photo: Gavin Blue Photography. Photo by Gavin Blue Photography

Cobram’s Elliot Evans, 13, has been recognised as a Triple Zero Hero for her exceptional courage and maturity while calling 000 in an emergency.

Elliot, who is one of 21 recipients, was only 12 when she called 000 after witnessing a car crash in 2023.

For 20 years, the Junior Triple Zero Hero awards have celebrated young callers nominated by Triple Zero Victoria’s call-takers for their clear thinking and composure during emergencies.

Victorian Emergency Services Minister Jaclyn Symes commended the young recipients for their bravery under challenging circumstances with loved ones or where there was a potential public safety risk.

“The courage these young people have shown in emergencies is outstanding,” Ms Symes said.

“Their ability to remain calm, and even give vital life-saving support, is amazing and deserves to be recognised.”

Triple Zero Victoria chief executive Deb Abbott praised the junior heroes for their quick thinking in taking charge and calling 000, to help unwell family and friends and keep members of the public safe.

“It’s important when you call 000 that you stay calm, listen and answer the questions from the Triple Zero Victoria call-taker,” Ms Abbott said.

“These young heroes did just that and have demonstrated incredible strength and courage beyond their years.

“Congratulations to all our young heroes who knew to call 000 immediately and provided the information our emergency call-takers need to help their loved ones and others in an emergency.”