Cohuna dairy farmer takes out top cow award

Jenny Grey said the cows considered for this year's Cow of the Year award caused robust discussion.“This cow continues to develop more progeny that class well and show against the best in the country — with 25 daughters in milk, 33 direct daughters, 30 great great granddaughters and one great great great granddaughter.The judges’ agreed Orchard Vale Informer Tiffany ticked a lot of boxes and she impressed with fertility, milk, type and excellent daughter performance," she said.

The Judges’ verdict: “This cow continues to develop with more progeny that classify extremely well, have heaps of milk, great components and impressive genetic merit.”

She is a past On Farm Challenge state champion.She has 25 daughters in milk with the best of them averaging a PI of 120.4.She has 33 direct daughters including 2 cows at EX91; 5 cows at VG88; 24 VG daughters and 3 GP daughters.Her biggest impact through her daughters is the ability they have to work and produce milk.Her daughters feature in the top of the Australian genomically tested females including the current number 3 cow and the number 5 cow on BPI in June and has six daughters over 300 for BPI.This envious record has been achieved with many daughters scattered throughout many different herds.Not only do her daughters have an incredible ability to milk but they also have the ability to show against the best show cows in the country.

Glen Gordon said his interest in the Tiffany family began as a boy, but his ideas about breeding were consolidated on an exchange opportunity in Canada.

“In Canada, I leaned we needed to maximise our cows and make sacrifices to do that. I came back and said I wanted to dry this cow off and flush her,” Mr Gordon said.

“She’s a once-in-a-lifetime cow and it’s an honour to receive this award for her.”

Other finalists were Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11-ET (g) EX-92-3E, owned and bred by Elmar Holsteins; Eclipse Damion G Princess-IMP-ET EX-90-1E, owned by Richard Hull and bred by Holland-NRS, Netherlands; Clydevale Mrsam Pisa (g) EX-91-3E, owned by Clydevale Holsteins P/L atf Dee Family Trust and bred by AF and CM Dee.

Holsteins Australia 2019 Cow fo the Year, Orchard Vale Informer Tiffany – ET(g) EX-91-1E.