
Community Fun Day a great chance to become active

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Fun and games: Skillzone and other sports providers will be at the Move Moira - Get Active for April Community Fun Day. Pictures: Megan Fisher Photo by Megan Fisher

Do you want to get away from the computer and phone and out into the sunshine?

Well if the answer is yes then the Move Moira - Get Active for April Community Fun Day is for you.

The free event will be held on Friday, April 14 between 9.30am and 12pm at Federation Park in Cobram.

Attendees will be able to enjoy fun activities run by sports providers, including The DoJo, Skillzone and Valley Sport.

For those looking for something different there is the chance to make a delicious smoothie using the NCN Smoothie Bike.

Move Moira is a collaborative initiative between NCN Health, Yarrawonga Health and Moira Shire Council to help community members live their most active lives possible.

A spokesperson for Moira Shire said that the council is excited to support Active April.

“While we encourage people to be active all throughout the year, in April we can look for opportunities to try something new, attend a local event or take advantage of the many free activities on offer as part of the Active April promotion,” the spokesperson said.

Nathalia and Numurkah will be holding their own events on Wednesday, April 19 at Nathalia Recreation Reserve and Thursday, April 20 at Numurkah Recreation Reserve respectively.