
Community House hosting new “Chatty Cafe”

Chatty Cafe: Cobram Community House are launching a new initiative, designed to combat pandemic-induced loneliness and isolation. Photo by Contributed

Cobram Community House is introducing a new initiative in an effort to combat isolation and loneliness.

The “Chatty Cafe” will open on Thursday, May 12, at 10.30am at the Community House, where community members can drop in for a chat and a cuppa every Thursday.

Hosts will ensure every attendee has someone to talk to, creating a vibrant social environment, increasing social connection and aiding community re-engagement.

Cobram Community House manager Christine Osborne said the program was being offered to help with issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“People in our community have experienced social isolation and loneliness as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,” she said.

The community house is exploring initiatives and ways to rebuild lost social connections to help build a stronger and more resilient community.

"We are offering this program to people of all ages and from all walks of life to come together to have a chat and reconnect in a comfortable and safe venue.“

Attendees can come alone or with someone else and no bookings are required.

The community house is also interested in hearing from people who are interested in supporting the program by becoming a “chatty host” — someone who would like to chat to those coming to the sessions.

Moira Shire Council is supporting the project through a Coronavirus Community Recovery Grant.

The official launch will take place at the Cobram Community House on Thursday, May 12, from 10.30am. RSVPs are requested by May 10 by phoning 5872 2224 or emailing