
Community Hub clothing drive a huge success

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Massive turnout: Sarah Pearson at the Wilmot Rd Community Hub clothing drive. Photo by Megan Fisher

The Wilmot Rd Community Hub Clothing Drive was a massive success last weekend, with more than double the amount of people turning up compared to the 2022 event.

Hub leader Sarah Pearson said it was amazing to see all the support from the Shepparton community.

“We received more than double the donations from last year,” Ms Pearson said.

“We had so many donations that we were able to restock the tables for the second day.”

Community members were able to donate men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, as well as blankets, to keep people warm over the colder months. Donations were taken until June 9, with the event taking place on June 15 and 16. The event was free for all, with people able to take what they needed.

Happy shoppers: Everything was free, with people able to take what they needed. Photo by Megan Fisher

Over 160 people turned up over the two days, compared to 76 last year. Ms Pearson said people from all over attended, as well as school community members to support the drive.

“We had lots of new faces through the door and we even had people coming back and bringing their friends,” she said.

“It was amazing to see the support from the community, and I just want to thank everyone involved.”

Ms Pearson is hopeful of bringing the event back again next year.

Mr Strong: Sarah Pearson, with Melinda Hertwig and her son Thomas Pell, age 8 months. Photo by Megan Fisher