Consider livestock in bushfire plan

Every fire season, Victorian dairy farmer Mark Billing briefs his staff on what to do should a fire start near the property.

The CFA is reminding people to remember to include their pets and livestock in their bushfire survival plan this year.

CFA Chief Officer Jason Heffernan said during high-risk bushfire days, people should make sure they had bedding, food and water ready to go and safe transport if needed for leaving= early.

“You can make sure your pets can be easily identified by microchipping them and including your details such as your phone number on their collars,” he said.

“Consider whether your leave-early destination can accommodate your pets.

“A separate plan is needed for horses and livestock as late evacuation will put them and you at risk.”

Ahead of high fire risk days, Larpent dairy farmer Mark Billing works with his staff and family to make sure his livestock are well protected.

“Grassfires present the biggest risk to our property, however we also have property in the Otways so we plan for bushfire risk there as well,” he said.

“We prepare the livestock with sufficient water and do a quick check of private firefighting equipment on the farm.

“We try to get feeding done either the day before a high fire risk day or really early in the morning – this is so we can avoid using tractors and machinery as much as possible, as they can also pose a risk of starting fires in paddocks.”

Every fire season, Mark briefs his staff on what to do should a fire start near the property.

“Everyone knows that if it’s safe to do so, we get the cows in the dairy yard where we have sprinklers that can keep the cows cool if a fire is on the property.

“If you’re in a high fire risk area you have to plan for everyone and that includes your livestock or pets.

“We work hard to make sure it’s not a last-minute thought to have to move the cows, or any animals for that matter, and ensure they’re as safe as they possible can be.”

It’s safest for horses and livestock to be in a large, well-grazed area on the property where they can move freely, with a supply of water.

Remember to remove all gear from horses and open internal gates to allow them to move around.

Do not allow them to roam freely off your property as horses and livestock are a serious risk on roads where visibility will be poor in the event of a fire.

For more information and tips on how to keep livestock safe during high bushfire risk days, visit