
Corowa District Inner Wheel Club

The newly elected Corowa District A54 Executive Commitee Members.
The new Corowa District Committee members and the new President Nicky Ross was absent.
Chris Kent with new member Barbara Chamberlain.

District A54 Inner Wheel Changeover

Corowa District Inner Wheel Club was very active in July with the A54 District’s Changeover held at Club Corowa on Saturday, July 6.

The A54 District includes clubs from Yarrawonga, Mulwala, and of course the Corowa District.

There were fifty members from the above clubs who attended a very informative meeting with Chairman Carole Alkemade from the Wagga Wagga Club handing over to Chris Kent from Corowa District as the incoming Chairman for 2024-25.

Also, on the A54 District’s Executive Committee for the coming year are Vice President Noreen Miller with Suze Rogashoff as Treasurer and Roseann Prentice as Social Convenor.

Corowa District Changeover Meeting

On Thursday, July 18 Corowa District held their changeover meeting and luncheon at the Corowa Golf Club.

There were thirty members in attendance who all enjoyed a delicious two-course lunch prepared by new chef Tim and his wonderful staff.

President Chris has handed over the reins to the newly elected President, Nicky Ross, with Denise Clements as Vice President.

The club also welcomed a new member, Barbara Chamberlain, which brings the club’s membership to thirty-seven.

If there are any ladies out there who are interested in becoming members the club meets on the third Thursday of each month, at the Corowa Golf Club for 11am.

The club’s National Project is to raise money for Cord Blood Research and over the years Corowa District has had many fundraising events for this very worthy cause.