
Council approves lease for youth housing program in Shepparton

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Lease: Greater Shepparton City Council has approved the lease of land in Shepparton for a housing program. Photo: Rechelle Zammit. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Greater Shepparton City Council was unanimous in a decision to lease land in Shepparton for a housing program supporting at-risk young people.

The Village 21 program run by not-for profit Kids Under Cover provides accommodation and support to help six people aged 18 to 21 transition to living independently after leaving foster care.

At Tuesday’s December council meeting, council approved a 10-year lease of 20-22 Perrivale Dve, Shepparton, at a peppercorn rental of $1 per year, with a single option to renew to realise a Village 21 program.

Earlier in 2022, land in Deane Crt, Shepparton had been identified as the preferred location, but re-evaluation of the suitability and community feedback saw the lease requested for Perrivale Dve instead.

City of Greater Shepparton Mayor Shane Sali said Kids Under Cover had remained connected with council to work on finding another location.

“That collaboration is important and it shows that we’re willing to work to get outcomes,” Cr Sali said.

“We heard that integration into residential estates, close to services, connection with other people is what community felt was best [for affordable housing developments], and I support that.

“The Kids Under Cover model is really good, I like the concept with the live-in mentors, it’s supporting our youth, and the actual look and feel of the development — I’m sure it will enhance that space.”

There were 20 submissions and three verbal presentations during the community consultation period, which council officers summarised and addressed in a report.

Themes in the submissions included crime and safety concerns, impact on surrounding residential properties, and also support for the proposal and the need for more housing for at-risk youth.

Cr Sam Spinks moved the motion at Tuesday’s meeting and said it had been 12 months since a journey around social housing had begun for council.

“Disappointingly, a journey that has delivered very little in outcomes but today we can hopefully change that,” Cr Spinks said.

“The attachment of the word social or affordable creates a hugely negative stereotype but it really just means someone who needs a little extra support to have a roof over their head.”

The Village 21 model consists of a communal building with a kitchen, living room and laundry, three two-bedroom studios, two one-bedroom studios for live-in mentors, and a communal barbecue area.

It would take up about 25 per cent of the land at Perrivale Dve, with the rest available for open space purposes.

Greater Shepparton was estimated to have the highest rate of homelessness in regional Victoria in late 2019.

Council adopted an affordable housing strategy in April 2020 and formed the Greater Shepparton Affordable Housing Reference Group to provide advice to council.

Following council’s decision, Kids Under Cover will seek project funding and begin the planning process through the Victorian Government, which will oversee further community consultation.

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