
Council draft budget feedback period running out

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The end is nigh: Greater Shepparton City Council residents wanting to provide feedback on the municipality’s draft budget have been urged to get on the move, as the consultation period closes soon.

Time is running out for residents to provide their feedback on Greater Shepparton City Council’s 2023/24 draft budget.

The draft budget has been out for community exhibition and feedback, and council has reminded residents that the period for consultation closes at 5pm on Thursday, May 18.

The budget sets where council will allocate funding for the provision of capital works and delivery of services for the next financial year.

Council said community consultation had contributed to the creation of the draft, and feedback at this stage would also be taken into account.

“I encourage everyone to have a read of the 2023/2024 draft budget and provide their feedback,” Mayor Shane Sali said.

“Council values the ideas and suggestions of residents, especially in regards to the budget, as this document affects the entire municipality.”

Ways residents can make submissions on the draft budget

• In writing to Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton, 3631. All submissions must include contact details of the submitter to allow council to respond.

• Online via council’s Shaping Greater Shepp website, at

• Or, by contacting council at or at 90 Welsford St, Shepparton to discuss other options.

Public submissions received will be heard and considered by council at a special council meeting to be scheduled at a later date.

For further information, contact council on 5832 9700.

To obtain a copy of the 2023/2024 draft budget, visit