
Council election 2024 | Rudo Makombe

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Rudo Makombe is running for council, hoping to represent the Balaclava Ward. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Rudo Makombe has put herself forward as a candidate for the Balaclava Ward in the 2024 Greater Shepparton City Council elections.

She has been a Shepparton resident for four years, following her time as an international student in Melbourne.

She said she had tripped and stumbled into Shepparton, but fell in love at first sight.

“When I first came to Shepparton, I was decorating an event — I run an events business,” Ms Makombe said.

“As I drove in, and I went past Victoria Park, I'm like ‘Oh my God, this place everyone is saying is far, is actually really cool’.

“I started coming more often here for different things — friends, family — and it was so accommodating.

“When I had a family, it was my first option for raising a family because everything is closer, and it’s easy for me to manoeuvre and there is more supportive community structures.”

She said she wanted to run for council to be a role model for her kids and get involved in the community.

“I feel that I need to guide them (her children) into being part of their community as well,” Ms Makombe said.

“They learn from me. They learn from different people, but they also learn from me as a parent.

“But also because living here I’ve seen that council is the government that’s closest to the community and when you’re in council, you get to influence what happens around you.”

If she gets elected, Ms Makombe said she hoped to be an advocate for flood recovery.

“One of the biggest things is the storm-water drainage,” she said.

“I really would love to see something being done.

“I would also love to see something done about waste and our waste management, especially when it comes to hard rubbish, because I feel it’s a health risk when we keep our old mattresses, old pillows and things.

“I know that we've done free tickets before, there was a trial for free tip tickets, but I think that it’s good to explore and understand what went on and have more informed decisions.”

She said the reason she stayed in the town and the number one thing she loved was the Shepparton environment.

“I love our surroundings, you breathe fresh air in Shepparton,” she said.

“I’ve lived in the city and I just feel in Shepparton we have everything we need.”

You can watch more on what Rudo has to say below.