
Council rangers cracking down to encourage responsible pet ownership

Council crackdown: Strathbogie Shire Council is calling for pet owners to do the right thing and secure their animals. Photo by Daneka Hill

Strathbogie Shire Council is increasing ranger patrols across the shire, asking pet owners to keep their dogs on leads and ensure fences are secure, warning that rangers will be issuing fines for non-compliance.

The Domestic Animals Act requires all dogs in public spaces to be on a lead. The only exemption in the shire is the Euroa off-leash dog park.

Dog owners can be fined $278 per dog that is wandering or off-leash between sunrise and sunset and $370 per dog between sunset and sunrise.

Benefits of keeping you dog on a leash include reducing unwanted or stressful dog interactions, limiting aggression and biting, keeping your dog safe and protecting wildlife.

During the development of the shire’s Domestic Animal Management Plan, the community called for greater enforcement of council animal laws.

Mayor Laura Binks reminded residents that there was also a limit on the number of animals that could be housed at a property in the shire’s residential zones.

“Those living in a residential zone are permitted to house two cats, two dogs and five poultry and it’s important to remember that roosters of any kind are not permitted at a residential property,” she said.

The responsible housing of animals also extends to livestock management where fences on properties must be secure to ensure livestock cannot escape on to roads, causing traffic hazards.

If residents fail to comply with their legal responsibilities around responsible pet ownership and livestock management, significant penalties apply.