
Council rezoning land in Tatura for residential growth

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Future: A planning scheme amendment would rezone 602ha of land in Tatura for residential growth. Photo by Julie Mercer

More than 3500 new homes could be accommodated by the proposed rezoning of 602ha of land in Tatura by Greater Shepparton City Council.

The planning scheme amendment addresses a 2022 assessment report that found Tatura’s undeveloped broad-hectare land stocks were “effectively depleted”.

The rezoning to the Urban Growth Zone aims to “to safeguard the land for future urban development as a strategic residential growth corridor”, council manager of building, planning and compliance Colin Kalms said.

“It is estimated that the future precinct structure plan for Tatura has the potential to accommodate 3620 conventional density, low-density and rural living residential lots on 516ha of developable land over a 30-year period,” Mr Kalms said.

“However, the final number of dwellings will only be determined once council finalises the precinct structure plan for Tatura later this year.”

When the precinct structure plan and development contributions plan are completed later in 2023, a further amendment will be required to incorporate them into the planning scheme.

This would then allow for new residential development within the Urban Growth Zone area.

The proposed area for rezoning is located north and east of Tatura.

The northern area is roughly bordered by the Midland Hwy, Tatura-Undera Rd to the west, Dhurrungile Rd to the east and Pyke Rd to the south.

The area east of the town is south of Pyke Rd, west of Bayunga Rd, east of Dhurrungile Rd and north of Murton Rd.

About 500ha is zoned for farming, with the rest low-density residential or rural living.

The amendment is on exhibition until February 20 at or or in person during council’s office hours at 90 Welsford St, Shepparton.

Any submissions to the amendment should be posted to Greater Shepparton City Council, Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton, 3632 or sent by email to