
Council unveils $33m stadium plan

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Decisions have been made on Shepparton Stadium upgrades. Photo by Megan Fisher

Greater Shepparton City Council has made a decision regarding long-awaited basketball stadium upgrades.

A concept plan for the re-design was endorsed by all councillors at the August council meeting this week.

Following previous design work completed in 2021, the Shepparton Sports Stadium redevelopment construction was initially estimated at $60 million.

However, due to the current political climate, the feasibility to secure government funding and the need to create a financially responsible project that is fit-for-purpose, it was agreed that a staged approach was the most suitable option.

At Tuesday’s meeting, council endorsed an option for stage one, estimated at $33 million.

The design included:

  • Three multi-use courts with retractable seating for between 2500 and 3000 spectators
  • Café/kitchen area to cater for large groups
  • Reception area with 180-degree vision of the stadium
  • Change-space facilities
  • Office space and storage
  • Meeting room and additional accessible toilets
  • Space for future development

Cr Ben Ladson put the motion forward and said the plan should ease timetables, allowing earlier finishes for players.

“This is a great concept that we will hopefully get around,” he said.

“I’ve had comments about how late in the night junior teams are playing, past 9pm on school nights because there’s not enough courts.

“Another three brand-new courts in the option two concept plan would revitalise that sports precinct.”

Cr Anthony Brophy seconded the motion and was optimistic about future opportunities.

“I’ve long been an advocate to actually achieve a state-of-the-art sports stadium and events centre,” he said.

“This staged approach is the best outcome going forward and needs to be supported by council, state and federal governments as well as the community.

“I’d love to see the Greater Shepparton Sports Hall of Fame to be actually located there in the long term as well.”

Deputy Mayor Sam Spinks said the original idea was unattainable and was happy with the newest proposal.

“A $60 million build was never really going to happen but half the cost might have the chance,” she said.

“This new option in front of us today is a much more reasonable and realistic staged option to deliver an outstanding stadium that meets the needs of sports and users of the facility.”

Cr Seema Abdullah also endorsed the motion, saying she was pleased with the cut-down concept plan and wanted to ease community concerns.

“I just want to highlight the community consultation for the concept design,” Cr Abdullah said.

“I know that perhaps there have been some concerns from some community members about why the concept design was not consulted beforehand.

“There will be consultation starting soon after this meeting.”

Cr Greg James acknowledged the importance of basketball to Shepparton and its residents.

“Shepparton is a main magnet for Basketball Victoria to run their tournaments here,” he said.

“It absolutely is one of our highest returns from an economical point of view.”

Cr Fern Summer commended council for its work on the upgrades.

“I just want to congratulate this council for revisiting an almost unattainable Rolls-Royce design and turning it into an achievable project,” Cr Summer said.

Cr Dinny Adem spoke in favour of the motion and acknowledged the work of the past decade to get to this point.

“We’ve been advocating for this for almost 10 years but the real work now begins,” Cr Adem said.

“I think we’ve come up with the best way forward and now it’s about getting the funding.”

Mayor Shane Sali said the work was not done yet; however, the August meeting’s decision was an important step.

“It’s been a journey and we’ve all been on it for a little while now and even before my time, this is something that’s been a priority for our community,” Cr Sali said.

“I think it’s an exciting step.

“It’s a community centre, it’s an event centre, there’s a main arena that will have possibly 2500- to 3000-seat capacity. This is big for our community.”