
Councils promise tourism support

Report incoming: Campaspe Shire Council Mayor Rob Amos said the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy will be released soon. Photo: Aidan Briggs Photo by Aidan Briggs

Councils on both sides of the river have restated their commitment to tourism in the region after Echuca Moama Tourism’s shock announcement last week that it will fold at the end of the financial year due to a lack of funding.

“Campaspe Shire Council reiterates its investment in regional tourism, and is working collaboratively with Murray River Council, Murray Regional Tourism and Campaspe Port Enterprise as well as other peak bodies to grow tourism, festivals and events for the region,” Campaspe Shire Council Mayor Rob Amos said.

“A commitment to resourcing alongside the soon to be released Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, and a significant investment for Destination Marketing with Murray Regional Tourism align with Council’s plans which have been developed in consultation with key stakeholders over several months.”

This was something similarly raised by a spokesperson at Murray River Council.

“Murray River Council continues to work collaboratively with Campaspe Shire Council, Murray Regional Tourism and Campaspe Port Enterprise, along with other relevant businesses and stakeholders with a view to support and expand tourism promotion and initiatives across our local region,” they said.

“Council will continue to budget for and focus resources into areas that can provide benefit and value to the whole Murray River Council area, supporting face-to-face information services and destination marketing for both ‘Echuca Moama’ and the council-wide ‘River Country’ brand.”

The allocation of funding and why it has been distributed as it has was something also explained by Murray River Council.

“Council budgets annually for visitor servicing and had previously outsourced both functions to (EMT). When EMT stopped providing visitor information services in August 2023, Council’s budget was fully expended by committing to an alternative solution, being the current Information Centre in Murray Esplanade,” they said.

“Council’s budget for visitor servicing has been allocated for (the 2024 and 2025 financial year) through an extended partnership with Campaspe Shire and Campaspe Port Enterprise until 30 June 2025.

“This means the Visitor Servicing will continue at its new location in Murray Esplanade. Monthly statistics are highlighting an increase in visitor numbers to the centre, with numbers increasing from 70 per day to 100 per day over a three-month period.”

Despite the circumstances surrounding the funding, both councils expressed their gratitude to the outgoing tourism organisation.

“Council wishes to acknowledge and thank Echuca Moama and District Tourism Association for all of its efforts and commitment to the region over many years, and assure the community that it will continue to advocate for, and work to promote and grow, the region and all it has to offer for the benefit of visitors and locals alike,” Cr Amos said.

Murray River Council also paid tribute to the association.

“Council extends its thanks to Echuca Moama and District Tourism Association for its long-standing dedication to the region and its efforts in the visitor servicing and marketing space over many years,” the spokesperson said.