
Country football and netball grants open

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Grants available: Up to $250,000 is up for grabs for country football and netball clubs. Photo by Leonie Bourke

Up to $250,000 is up for grabs for country football and netball clubs.

State Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy said all local clubs should consider applying for this round of funding in order to deliver upgrades to their infrastructure, noting that sporting clubs were an integral part of the community.

“It is important that we continue to invest in our regional sporting facilities, and encourage greater talent to come to, or stay in the region,” he said.

Mr McCurdy said he was happy to assist in grant applications.

“As always, I am happy to provide a letter of support to clubs with a reasonable proposal that will deliver a positive impact to users, and the whole community,” he said.

Examples of projects eligible for funding include:

• development of new, or upgrade to existing change rooms and pavilions to increase capacity, inclusion and safety;

• development of new, or upgrade to existing sports ovals and courts to increase capacity and safety;

• sports lighting that improves facility capacity and participant safety; and

• projects that result in energy or water efficiency, with a direct impact on participation, such as warm season grass conversions.

Applications close on Monday, March 27.