
Cracking down on vandalism

Vandalism and tampering are met with heavy punishment.

There is an expensive consequence if you vandalise or interfere with the infrastructure of Goulburn-Murray Water.

G-MW is warning people that vandalising or interfering with its infrastructure can result in 10 years’ imprisonment and fines of up to $237,108.

G-MW water storage services general manager Alan Shea said the protection of this infrastructure was vital.

“Tampering with assets and infrastructure can impact our ability to deliver water to customers who need it,” he said.

Many G-MW storages are in areas the public is excluded from for safety reasons.

This includes ‘no boating’ zones near regulators, where strong currents can be particularly hazardous.

Under the Water Act 1989, entering a prohibited area, either on land or in the water, can result in a $3951 fine.

Mr Shea said people doing the wrong thing were likely to be caught.

“We have staff who frequently patrol the areas and also often carry out random compliance campaigns,” he said.

“Our regulators and meters are also equipped with sensors that alert us if anyone tampers with them.”

People who witness criminal behaviour at G-MW storages and waterways are encouraged to contact G-MW or police.

Alice O’Brien is a Media Communication and Design student at Monash University, and is currently completing an internship with McPherson Media Group