
Crowd caught up in Macey and Kate’s collaboration

Tocumwal's Macey Brasher, 13, performed Caught in the Crowd with Kate Miller-Heidke at Riverlinks Eastbank last Friday, during Miller-Heidke’s Catching Diamonds tour. Photo by Bree Harding

Before last week, the only place keen singer Macey Brasher had ever performed in front of anyone other than family was at school.

But the 13 year-old from Tocumwal has now shared the stage with one of Australia’s favourite pop musicians, in front of a crowd of more than 1000, giving her the confidence to explore where her singing may take her.

Macey and her mother Sharnie attended the Kate Miller-Heidke concert in Shepparton last Friday.

And out of the blue, and at the last minute, the teen was invited to join the entertainer for one of her most famous and important songs.

“I replied to Kate’s Instagram story about her Shepparton concert saying my daughter and I would be coming along,” Sharnie said.

“While we were waiting for our seats I happened to check Instagram and had a message from Kate asking if Macey would like to come on stage and sing with her.

“The song, Caught In The Crowd, is about the impacts of bullying and peer pressure on young people.

“At every concert Kate encourages a kid to come up and sing it with her.”

While nervous at the prospect, Macey said she knew it was an opportunity she had to take up.

Not only because she loves singing, but also because she loves Kate Miller-Heidke.

“I don’t usually sing in front of anyone,” Macey said.

“I was shaking, nervous and excited, but once I got up there it was a dream. It was quite amazing, and I just couldn’t believe it.

“At the end, she hugged me and said I did a really good job.”

Macey was introduced to Miller-Heidke’s music through her mum, who has been a fan of her music since she was a teen herself.

“I love to ring in the car with mum, especially that sing (Caught In The Crowd). And actually, it came on the radio and we were singing it about half an hour before we got to Shepp,” Macey said.

Tocumwal’s Macey Brasher, 13, snapped this selfie with Kate Miller-Heidke on stage at Eastbank on Friday night after the pair performed a song together. Photo by Contributed

“I have been a fan since I was 17, and I am 35 now, so Macey has really grown up listening to her,” Sharnie added.

Before leaving the stage Macey took the opportunity to snap a selfie with the muso, which Sharnie said made the crowd laugh.

And she said Macey was treated like a celebrity for the rest of the night, with strangers congratulating her on the performance and her courage.

Now, after rocking the stage with her angelic voice alongside Miller-Heidke, becoming a career singer might just be on the cards for Macey.

“Maybe, if I get some singing lessons,” she said.